This video was sent to me by my buddy Scott Denett…
This video is special to him because it happens to be his grandfather that is featured in it (playing with drum sticks). Scott was ecstatic to have stumbled upon this video. Scott is an amazing musician in his own right. I have been playing music with Scott off and on for the past twenty years. We have much in common in that we both started playing music at a young age and developed a passion for it.
This video inspired me. I enjoy how it is a choreographed routine, and I love how it maintains a sense of spontaniety and fun. I also like seeing how the drummers have talent and also have worked hard at mastering their art form.
All of this raised the question for me…Is rhythm in our genes, and if so, is it inherited?
I imagine Scott felt happy to see his grandfather and to know that he comes from a lineage of musically talented people. I too come from a musical family, my father plays the keyboard and sings, and I have several cousins who are drummers, and a few cousins who are talented singer-songwriters.
I believe that rhythm is inherit in all beings. Life is rhythm. Nature, a human heart beat, birds singing, all of life has rhythm. I also believe that as humans we have a sense of rhythm that can be developed. Obviously musicians spend time developing this sense of rhythm. I do believe that genetics and family lineage can play a part in an individual having a predisposed developed sense of rhythm.
After having worked facilitating drum circles with beginners and adults who have never played drums before, I have seen first-hand how rhythm is in all of us, and we just need to get in touch with that pulse that is at the very core essence of our exisistence, the heart beat. Rhythm can be developed, so if you don’t come from a family of drummers, don’t worry, just start playing anyway. Who knows, you may just discover a video of a distant relative playing drums from 60 years ago!
Bonus: see a video of me and Scott playing together here.
2 comments… add one
Mark April 27, 2010, 2:03 pm
Wow what a great find! Scott’s grandfather was very talented. I also enjoyed the take 5 number in the bonus video.
Philly April 28, 2010, 7:15 am
Awesome. None of this “matched grip” nonsense for these varsity champs.
(I sure hope she didn’t kick him in the head too many times as they practiced this great number.)