Best Wishes to Summer Camp Directors

2010Monday June 21st. Not only is it the Summer Solstice and the start of summer, but most camps will be starting within the next two weeks, which really marks the start of summer! It is an exciting time, and for camp directors it can be a stressful and anxious time. I hear this.  I am saying, relax for a moment, take a deep breath, and know that you are doing all you can to make this a kick-ass summer. You have already  hired  the best staff possible, and your leadership team is more than capable, so trust them to do their jobs. You have already made your enrollment numbers. You have already been in communication with parents and have kept them informed on all they need to know. Your H1N1 emergency plan is in place. And all of the 10,000 other things that may be distracting you will fade away, and come back, and constantly change and be there for you to stress about all summer. So don’t stress. Care, be concerned, but don’t stress. Breathe deep.  Take a look around,  remember with your heart why you wanted to do this job in the first place. You are an inspiration. A role model to staff. A Rock Star / demigod to the campers. The work that you do is important. I wish you good luck. I wish you a successful summer. Remain positive, and allow your self to take a step back from the work and enjoy what you have created.

Best Wishes for Summer of 2010,

Adam Issadore


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